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12 things to do to improve your Study & Mind-set habits: Building positive habits for the new school year

12 things to do to improve your Study & Mind-set habits: Building positive habits for the new school year


Getting off to a good start with your students matters.

This course demonstrates how to help students embed sound habits that stand the test of time. It outlines practical ways that teachers can make every class a ‘learning to learn’ class, where students can practice strategies that enable them to study more effectively and ‘own’ their learning.

Intended Audience
Teachers (upper primary and second-level), Guidance Counsellors, Study Skills Co-ordinators, Parents.


Fidelma’s enduring interest is making learning easier. Passionate about enabling learners to develop the mindset and skills to take ownership for their own learning, she is Director and Lead Educator with Study & Careers.
Dr. Fidelma Healy Eames, PhD, MSc(Ed), BEd., has a long background in teaching and learning and teacher education. She began offering ‘learning to Learn’ and Wellbeing courses to schools and colleges nationally from 2002 with a team of specially trained teachers. In 2007 she published ‘Switching on for Learning: A Student Guide to Exam & Career Success’ which has become a core text for teachers, parents and students interested in becoming independent learning. In 2021 she developed an online ‘learning to learn’ programme used across second-level schools.
Her research interests include language, literacy and learning, the writer’s voice, wellbeing and issues surrounding equity, diversity and inclusion. Her new book ‘The Gifted Learner: How to Help’ (Pavilion, 2022) builds on this theme and reveals a fascinating and engaging account of learnings and insights arising from her research with gifted learners, ages ten to fifty-eight years, their parents and teachers.

Course Properties

Course date 16-09-2024 7:00 pm
Course End Date 16-09-2024 8:15 pm
Cut off date 16-09-2024 4:00 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price Free
Location Online (via Zoom)

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